At Modern Family Finance, we are proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. Being LGBTQ+ in today’s world leads to both liberating outside-the-box thinking as well as particular financial challenges. We believe that financial empowerment is key to strenthening our LGBTQ community.

The LGBTQ+ community has unique needs when it comes to financially planning:

1. We often choose to live in high-cost progressive urban areas where we feel more supported and accepted.

2. We may define our relationships differently and do not always combine our assets. 

3. We may have to deal with high medical bills for transgender healthcare, HIV treatment, and mental health.

4. When we start a family, we may have to go through expensive fertility treatment, surrogacy, or adoption.

5. Planning for aging can be challenging because we may not have the same traditional support system.

6. We can’t always rely on our families of origin for financial support due.

7. We often care deeply about social causes and want to invest in funds that align with our values as LGBT individuals.

Overall, financial planning for LGBTQ+ households requires careful consideration and a focus on building financial security over the long term. We believe in educating clients during the process so that you understand what we’re doing and feel confident about your investment plan.

Talk with a team who understands our community