To reach your financial goals, you need your money to grow. Our investment portfolios are carefully designed to help mid-career investors improve returns, manage for taxes, and fund the many goals you have between now and retirement.

We follow 5 key principles to help you build long-term wealth:

1. First and foremost, get asset allocation right.

The biggest determinant of your investment return is how much you allocate to each asset class.

For that reason, we take great care in utilizing evidence-based proven investment strategies that are personalized to your goals, risk tolerance, and values.

2. We invest for the long-term while being responsive to major changes in the market or in your life.

Our investment portfolios are built to stand the test of time. We don’t chase trends or attempt to predict the future. But that doesn’t mean we do nothing when seasons change.

Our dedicated investment team diligently monitors your portfolio and market conditions to take disciplined action when it benefits you.

3. Diversification is the only free lunch in investing.

Holding investments across many market segments can reduce risk while increasing returns. It’s more than just stocks vs. bonds though.

Diversification across geographies, company size, relative price, profitability, credit quality and duration are ways we seek to increase risk-adjusted returns.

4. Keep costs low and manage for taxes.

Investment fees and taxes erode your investment returns. How do we seek to minimize?

– Scrutinize expense ratios when selecting investments

– Minimize the cost of buying and selling

– Manage for taxes using strategies like tax loss harvesting, capital gains management, and tax asset location

5. Keep it simple and make it feel good.

Greater complexity does not mean greater returns. We take time to educate you so you feel confident about your portfolio.

We also invite you to bring your personal values into your investments. After all, this is your life savings. You can do this by investing in strategies that take into consideration how companies rate on social and environmental impact.

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