8 Answers to Questions about Lesbian Money

David and John of Queer Money Podcast were one of the first friends we made when launching a business in personal finance. They help gay men to live fabulously without sacrificing financial security. We love their popular Queer Money podcast, and we’re thrilled to be invited on this episode. On this episode of Queer Money podcast, Jenni joins a panel of professionals for a discussion about money issues in the lesbian community.

In this podcast episode, we talk about

  • The financial challenges unique to queer women
  • Why so many lesbians carry a fear of combining finances with a partner
  • How the financial challenges women face in general are exacerbated in lesbian couples
  • Why women tend to see money in a negative light and what we can do to shift that narrative
  • The benefit of sharing our salaries and concerns around money
  • How feeling undeserving leads to financial anxiety in marginalized populations
  • The additional expenses associated with leaving a traditional relationship with a man for a same-sex partnership with a woman
  • Assigning value to the emotional labor women do behind the scenes

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